🌍 Today is Overshoot Day in Switzerland 🇨🇭

From this day forward in 2024, we’ve exhausted the planet’s annual resources.
We now need more than 2 Earths to sustain our lifestyle.

🔄 Transforming Awareness into Action:
We should use this as a wake-up call to change our habits and explore how we can reverse the change and #movethedate

Conscious consumption: Our buying decisions can hugely influence how the Earth‘s resources are used
Lead by example: We all have a role to play in changing the behaviours of those around us
Support restoration projects: Join initiatives like Reforesting Baran that restore ecosystems and biodiversity.

The Reforesting Baran Project is dedicated to:

  • Restoring water to support life
  • Reviving soils to promote sustainable agriculture
  • Reforesting lands to fight climate change and boost biodiversity

🌱By making small changes in our daily lives and supporting restoration efforts, we can collectively move the Overshoot Date back.

How can you contribute? You can take your first steps today.

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